Healthy Meal |
Eating healthy is essential for a healthy lifestyle, but preparing nutritious meals can be a challenge, especially if you're just starting. This ultimate guide is designed to help you get started on your healthy meal preparation journey. Whether you're a busy professional, a student, or a stay-at-home parent, this guide will provide you with the information and tips you need to start cooking nutritious, delicious meals in no time.
So, grab your apron and get ready to learn how to meal prep like a pro!
How Meal Preparation Aids:
Meal prepping simply refers to the process of preparing or batch-cooking meals, snacks, or ingredients ahead of time to make healthy eating easier during your busier days.
For one person, this could mean preparing a week's worth of breakfasts and lunches to reheat at work. Another option is to simply chop up some extra vegetables and make a homemade salad dressing to use throughout the week.
"You can quickly prepare multiple days' worth of food and then not worry about meals for the rest of the week," registered dietitian Anna Kippen, MS, LD explains.
Furthermore, knowing you have something ready in the fridge may make you less likely to use the drive-thru for an emergency lunch or dinner.
It's also a great way to mix things up and add variety to your diet, according to Kippen, because it forces you to plan and brainstorm your meals rather than relying on your tried-and-true meals in a pinch.
Healthy Meal |
Follow these key points for healthy meal preparation:
Step 1: Plan Your Meals
Plan to eat every three hours, with six small meals or three main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and snacks in between. Plan each meal around a high-quality protein (chicken, fish, or beef), a complex carbohydrate (sweet potatoes, brown rice, or fresh steamed vegetables), and some healthy fats (avocado)
Step 2: Go Shopping in the Grocery Store.
Make sure you have a list of everything you need. Try using an app like Any List, which allows you to easily share your must-haves with your spouse or roommates so that everyone is aware of what you require. Some staples to keep on hand include canned foods tuna and beans, frozen vegetables for emergencies, and high-protein or brown-rice pasta.
Step 3: Be Innovative
Try low-sodium, low-sugar seasonings like turmeric, sesame seeds, or spice blends. To add color and variety, try combining different vegetables (onions and mushrooms, tomatoes, and bell peppers). Use flavored vinegars and hot sauces, but watch out for added sugars and hidden sources like high-fructose corn syrup and artificial additives.
Step 4: Divide It Up
Weigh and measure your food to ensure proper serving sizes and that your macronutrients are met. Per meal, aim for three to five ounces of protein, 12 to 1 cup of complex carbohydrates, and 12 to 1 tablespoon of healthy fats, such as olive oil or coconut oil. To keep your stash safe, pack food in easy-to-transport containers and use food-cooler bags.
Step 5: Maintain Your Preparedness
Keep some emergency healthy snacks on hand if you don't have time to eat a full meal. A shaker cup with some quality whey/casein protein powder in a plastic baggie (just add water, low-fat milk, or almond milk when ready to sip), some mixed nuts and fruit, or a few qualities high-protein energy bars are examples of these.
In conclusion, healthy meal preparation doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you'll be able to create nutritious, tasty meals in no time. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced cook, this guide will help you to achieve your healthy eating goals and live a happier, healthier life. So, what are you waiting for? Start your healthy meal preparation journey today